What To Expect In The First Week Of Parenthood?

The joy of welcoming a baby into this world is unparalleled for any parent. However, this journey is full of unknown elements, and often you might get nervous and perplexed by the sudden changes in your life. While welcoming a baby is a joyous occasion, it has its fair share of challenges! However, you do not have to worry because we have got what to expect in the first week of parenthood covered in this short guide!

                        newborn baby


Adjustment Period of Your Newborn Baby

It is essential to understand that the first week of your bundle of joy’s life will be equally confusing for the newborn baby. The first week of their lives is spent getting accustomed to their surroundings.

From the dark and dim womb, muffled noises, and constant temperatures to the vibrant surroundings, your baby is going to experience a drastic change. Therefore, the first week is very critical for your baby. Ensure that you are always there for your little baby and help by showering loads of love, cuddles, security, and attention. Wrap them in swaddles and sleep bags designed to create a womb like feeling for long lasting and comfortable sleep.

                               Baby in swaddle


Feeding and Sleeping Habits

Newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping. However, do not expect them to sleep straight through the night. Since they have tiny stomachs, they wake up to feed multiple times in a single day.


                                 Baby feeding      


You can expect your baby to demand nutrition every two to four hours which brings the number of feedings to about eight to twelve. Sometimes, one feeding can go up to one hour, too, especially if your newborn baby is breastfeeding. It is a great challenge to wake up in the middle of the night for breastfeeding your baby in the initial days, and you might even feel like shouting out of frustration. However, maintain your calm and remember that your baby needs your full support.

The First Week of Crying

It is natural for your parental instincts to get triggered when your baby cries. It only gets complicated because your baby can not speak or communicate with you. Here are a few reasons why your baby might be crying:

  1. They might be hungry.
  2. They might have a wet nappy.
  3. They might be having a problem with the weather and temperature.
  4. They might want to feel your touch for reassurance.

Ensure that you focus on these reasons and find out what is troubling your baby. Try soothing them by cuddling or feeding. This is the time when you start to understand your baby’s cues and try figuring out what they need.


                     Cuddling a baby                      


Sometimes, your baby’s crying patterns might indicate an underlying situation that they are trying to convey to you. If your baby’s crying intensity is similar to a cat’s, weak, or if your baby has been crying for a prolonged period, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to Draw A Bath for Your Baby?

Here comes the most tricky part of raising a baby! Babies tend to throw tantrums when you bathe them! Bathing them in the wrong way can also lead to cold or cough problems as babies are more susceptible to them.

You can bathe babies in a bowl or bathtub by holding their hands. Another option is to use a wet cloth and wash their body on your changing table. You only need to draw a full bath only once or twice a week. However, ensure that their head, face, and bottom are bathed every day.

Use warm water as too hot or cold water can be harmful to their sensitive skin, and ensure that you support their head!

                            Baby being bathed


Health Concerns

Most babies often lose weight in the first five days of their life, and it is completely normal. However, ensure that the lost mass is not greater than 10% and immediately admit your baby if there is a drastic weight loss. Apart from weight loss, your baby might also be having sticky eyes or rashes. Pay attention to any change you observe and consult your GP or Midwife for better advice.

When to Consult your GP for Help?

Sometimes a newborn’s parents panic during mild crisis situations due to their lack of experience in handling babies. Following are a few situations in which seeking help from experts is essential:

  1. If your newborn baby’s nutrition intake has reduced by half or if your newborn vomits half of three feeds in a row.
  2. If the number of wet nappies per day is less than 6 to 8.
  3. If your baby seems to be tired all the time or feels lethargic.
  4. If your baby seems to develop yellow or pale skin.
Final Words

Remember that while planned parenthood seems fool-proof, you might face many challenges that you might not have thought of. The first week of parenthood is definitely going to be scary for you and your newborn baby. However, do not fret and maintain your calm. Spread and share the love with your newest family member! Happy parenthood!

                     baby laughing


For keeping newborns snug and warm check out our cute newborn hats and swaddles.

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